- Åmål, Sweden
- 2019 Construction Projects
- 2020 Construction Projects
- 2021 Construction Projects
- 2021 Storm Sewer Assessments
- 2022 Construction Projects
- 2022 De Pere City Services Study (Survey)
- 2023 Construction Projects
- 2024 Construction Projects
- 2024 Lawrence Drive Construction
- 2025 Construction Projects
- A-Z_Index
- About De Pere, Wisconsin
- About De Pere, Wisconsin
De Pere, Wisconsin offers an exceptional quality of life for the more than 25,000 people who call our city home. Located five miles south of Green Bay, the City of De Pere is a dynamic, forward-thinking community on the banks of the historic and industrious Fox River, and is consistently ranked as one of the top places to live in Wisconsin.
- Absentee Voting
- Accessory Structures
- Action Center
- Additions
- Administrative Services
Administrative Services Division
- Adopt-a-Drain
- Adult Sports Leagues
- Affordable Housing Programs
- Agendas & Minutes
- Alderpersons & Representatives Map
- Alterations / Remodeling
- Amal, Sweden
- Animals
- Appliance/Scrap Metal Recycling & Disposal
- Arbor Day & Tree City USA
- Arts & Crafts
From adults creating lifelike landscapes on canvas to little kids creating an abstract masterpiece with finger paint, to just about any arts and craft project in between, De Pere Parks, Recreation & Forestry offers a wide variety of arts, crafts, painting and enrichment opportunities for all ages and abilities.
- Assessment
Accurate Appraisal, LLC has been contracted with the City and is responsible for assessing all real and personal property.
- Assessments
- Athletic Fields
- Awards
- Awards
- Badger Books - Electronic Poll Books
- Bartender License
- Baseball/Softball Fields
- Basketball Courts
- Basketball League
- Become a Lifeguard
Being a lifeguard in De Pere offers a unique job experience for anyone that obtains the certification. As a lifeguard you will obtain lifelong skills such as CPR/First Aid & AED. You get the chance to be outside every day and provide a safe swimming environment for the everyone that visits the pool.
- Beer Gardens
De Pere Beer Gardens are a community event designed to provide a relaxing social gathering for people of all ages - featuring micro brews on tap, food vendors, live music and activities.
- Before & After School Program
With the cooperation of Our Lady of Lourdes & Westwood Schools, the De Pere Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department is offering Kidz Zone Before & After School Recreation Program. This program is designed to provide recreational and social opportunities to students before and after school. This program is currently available to residents of the West De Pere School District.
- Benefits Guide
- Bicentennial Park
- BID Board
- Big Rig Gig
- Bingo Events
- Bingo
- Birds & Waterfowl
- Blog
- Board of Appeals
- Board of Canvassers
- Board of Health
- Board of Park Commissioners
- Board of Public Works
- Board of Review
- Boards & Commissions
- Boards, Commissions & Committees
- Boat Launch Passes
- Boat Launch Sticker & Fees
- Boat Launches & Docks
- Boating, Kayaking & Fishing
- Boating, Kayaking & Fishing
- Braisher Park
- Breaking News
- Breastfeeding
- Brown County Led Construction Projects
- Budget
- Building Inspection Division
- Building Projects
- Building Reports
- Business Assistance & Resources
- Business Climate
- Business Expectation Guide for Municipal Services
- Business News
- Business Related
- Business Resource Center
- Camps & Workshops
- Candle Safety
- Car Seat Program
- Cardboard Disposal
- Cards & Games
- Carney Park
- Cart Placement & Storage
- Cat License
- Change of Use / Occupancy
- Chicken License
- Cigarette & Tobacco License
- City Attorney
The City Attorney is the appointed official who provides legal representation to the City of De Pere as an entity. The City Attorney provides counsel and advisement to the Common Council, general counsel and representation to the City and is responsible for the prosecution of all municipal ordinance violations.
- City Attorney
- City Band Concerts
- City Check Register
- City Clerk
Our office is the legal custodian of official city records and is the filing agency for numerous reports and documents such as oaths, bonds, council nomination papers and candidate financial records. The City Clerk's Office acts as a liaison between the public, city departments, and the Common Council.
- City Clerk
- City Employee Policy Manual
- City Manager
The City of De Pere operates under a Mayor-Council-City Administrator form of government as provided by State law.
- City of De Pere Apparel
- City Services A - Z
View the full list of City Services from A-Z.
- Claude Allouez Construction Activity
- Clean Air Initiative
- Commercial Plan Review
- Commission on Aging
- Common Council
- Communications
- Community Center Rooms
- Community Center
- Community Center
- Community Initiatives
- Community Partnerships & Events
- Community Profile & Brand
- Community Risk Reduction & Safety Tips
- Community Service Grants
- Compost & Yard Waste Facility
- Composting Services Reimbursement Program
- Concrete, Stone, & Landscape Rock Disposal
- Conditional Use Permits
- Consultants (Engineering)
- Consultants
- Contact De Pere
- Contact Info (Police)
- Contact Information (Fire Rescue)
- Contractors (Engineering)
- Contractors
- Court and Plea Information
- Cultural Exchange (Sister City)
Since 2007, De Pere and its sister city Åmål, Sweden, have emphasized creating a partnership and sharing ideas in the realm on cultural exchange. This has been facilitated through numerous visits of delegates both to and from Åmål. During such visits, delegates from both De Pere and Åmål are able to exchange ideas on many social and economic programs. For example, 2016 an Åmål delegate in charge of their main street program admired the clock in De Pere at the end of the Claude Allouez Bridge. This admiration eventually turned into Åmål obtaining a similar clock in their city square. Additional exchanges between the two cities include: The De Pere Exchange Student scholarship along with the expansion of the pen pals program and connections with Seroogys.
- Cultural Exchange/Delegation Visits
- Current City Plans
- Dance, Poms & Twirling
Looking for dance classes in De Pere? You've come to the right place! The De Pere Parks, Recreation & Forestry offers an incredible variety of dance, poms and twirling classes for all ages! Whether you're brand new to dance and need to learn the basics, or looking to grow and develop further in your dance journey. Whether you're an adult looking to take social dance lessons, or have a child looking to learn a fun, new skill, we've got you covered!
- De Pere Design Standards & Specifications
- De Pere Fairgrounds
- De Pere Fire Rescue
- De Pere Laws & Ordinances
- De Pere Recreation Scholarships
Scholarships are awarded on a first come, first served basis and will be awarded only as long as there are available funds. A family may receive a maximum of $75 per youth per year, and an additional $75 per year for Family related activities/events. Also of note, scholarships will provide a maximum of 50 percent of the league participation fee for any individual requesting assistance for a league ran by De Pere Baseball, De Pere Youth Hockey, De Pere Rapides Youth Soccer, and/or De Pere Girls Softball Association.
If any resident is in need, or knows of a family in need, of financial assistance to help local children participate in City programming, they are encouraged to fill out an application, found at www.de-pere.org. You may also call 920-339-4097 for more information.
- De Pere Riverwalk and Wildlife Viewing Pier
- De Pere Riverwalk and Wildlife Viewing Pier
Rich in beauty, nature and local history, the De Pere Riverwalk is located in the center of Downtown De Pere, along the east side of the Fox River and adjacent to the De Pere Dam. It can be accessed from Voyageur Park. This scenic recreational walkway provides public access to the Fox River and gives rare exposure to Government Island, a treasured Historic District. Visitors and residents are able to walk directly from downtown restaurants, shops, and hotels to this site and immediately be surrounded by spawning fish and other wildlife; all while being steps away from the Fox River Trail.
- De Pere Sister Cities International
The Sister City International program encourages international partnerships which promote shared exchanges and initiatives between cities in order to boost understanding and cooperation. De Pere has been a part of the Sister City program with Åmål, Sweden since 2007. In this time, the two cities have collaborated on many social and economic programs which have benefited each respective community.
- De Pere Tree Inventory & Map
- De Pere TV
- Decks & Pergolas
- Deeper Roots -Affordable Housing Stock Improvement Loan Program
- Demographics
- Dental Insurance
- Department & Staff Contacts (Health Department)
- Departments
- Development & Site Plan Projects
- Development Services
The City is focused on improving the quality of life for its residents and Northeast Wisconsin specifically regarding; Economic Development, GIS, Historic Preservation, Planning, and Redevelopment Authority.
- Development Services
- Disc Golf Course
- Diseases & Illnesses
- Diseases and Illnesses
- Do I need a Building Permit?
- Document Center
- Dog License
- Dog Park
- Doing Business in De Pere
- Dont Take Our Word For It: De Pere Success Stories
- Donate or Sell Used Items
- Download our mobile app!
- Downtown De Pere
- Driveways, Parking Lots, Curb Cut
- Drone Program
- East Side Nature Park
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Economic Development & Tourism (Sister City)
Since 2007, De Pere and its sister city Amal, Sweden, have emphasized creating partnerships and sharing ideas in the realm on Economic Development/Tourism.
- Economic Development/Tourism
- Economic Development
- Economic Development
The purpose of the Economic Development division is to promote economic development through the retention and attraction of new businesses to our downtown and our business / industrial parks.
- Elected Officials
- Elections & Voting
- Elections & Voting
- Electronic Recycling & Disposal
- Email Notification for Agendas & Minutes
- Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)
Emerald Ash Borer in De Pere
What is Emerald Ash Borer? Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is an insect that affects all varieties of ash trees by boring holes through the tree and bark. The damage done by the insect progressively kills the tree.
History of EAB in De Pere: In the late 1990s and early 2000s EAB was virtually unknown. In 2004, information began to circulate about this insect that was accidently introduced in the US from Asia. The City of De Pere, as well as many other municipalities, began to discontinue planting all ash tree varieties (green, white, black; Mountain ash is not a true ash and is not affected) in response to the threat of EAB. In 2009 EAB was positively identified on Green Bays north side. In 2016 De Pere positively identified EAB in a location on our far NE side, with subsequent findings occurring in numerous other E and W side locations (see the attached map).
- Emergency Exit Lights
- Emergency Preparedness
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Employee Benefits
- Employee Benefits
- Employee Info
- Employment Law Posters
- Employment
- Engineering Division
- Environmental Hazards & Nuisances
- Environmental Health
- Events Calendar
- Extension Cords
- Façade Grants
- FAQs
- Farmer's Market Booth
- Federal, State, and Non-Profit Financial Support & Assistance for Businesses
- Fees
- Fences
- Finance Department
The mission of the Finance Department is to direct the maintenance of the municipal accounting system and the procedures governing receipt and expenditure of municipal funds.
- Finance Department
- Finance/Personnel Committee
- Financial Reports
- Fire Contract
- Fire Department
De Pere Fire Rescue is committed to providing a superior level of emergency service that continually improves the quality of life, health and safety of the community we serve.
- Fire Extinguishers
- Fire Rescue Facilities & Values
- Fire Rescue History
- Fire Rescue Training
- Fish in Fox River
- Fishing Deck & Other Permitted Fishing Locations
- Fishing
- Fitness & Workout Classes in De Pere
The De Pere Community Center is home to a wide variety of health, fitness, wellness and exercise classes for all ages and abilities. There are fitness options in both the morning and evening. Class intensity ranges from peaceful and relaxing yoga classes, to high-energy, cardio workouts set to music. The best part is, these affordable De Pere exercise classes are a great way to socialize, meet new people, and improve mental and physical health - all in a fun and supportive environment. So if you're ready to begin a new, healthier chapter in your life, we're here for you. If you're more advanced in your fitness journey, and looking to further develop your cardio, strength and overall fitness, we're here for you, too. Everyone is welcome. Everyone is in this, together - doing the movements and steps to the best of their individual abilities.
- Flag Retirement
- Flexible Spending
- Flood Plain Map
- Flood Risks & Preparedness
- Flu (Influenza) Vaccines
- Follow Us on Social Media
- Food Safety
- Food Waste & Organics Disposal
- Forestry
- Forestry
- Forms & Application Information
- Forms
- Foundation Drain Disconnection Program
- French Road/I-41 Closure
- Frequently Asked Questions
- From Mayor Boyd
- Full Length Sanitary Lateral Replacement Program (as part of a City Construction Project)
- Future Road Construction Projects
- Garbage & Recycling Collection Schedule
- Garbage & Recycling Collection
- Garbage & Recycling General Guidelines
- Garbage & Recycling Map
- Garbage & Recycling
- General / Shared
- General Interest
- Gift Cards, Discounts & Other Services
- GIS & Mapping Division
- Goose Patrol Program
- Government
- Hazardous & Construction Materials Disposal
- Health Assessment & Improvement Plan
- Health Department
The City of De Pere Health Department serves to protect and promote public health across the lifespan through: education, policy development and valued services.
- Health Department
- Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)
- Health Services
- Helpful Resources (Health Department)
- Historic Preservation Commission
- Holiday Lights Display
- Homelessness, Loitering & Substance Abuse Outreach
- House Flipping
- Housing Authority
- How Do I...
- How Do I?
- How to Plant Summer Gardens
- How You Can Make De Pere Safer
- Human Resources
The mission of the Human Resources Department is to strive to understand the needs and expectations of all employees and provide support systems.
- Human Resources
- Hunting Regulation Map
- Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement
- Image Gallery
- Indoor Park Shelters
- Inflow & Infiltration
- Injury / Fall Prevention
- Inspections (Water Division)
- Interactive Map
- James Street Parkway
- Jim Martin Park
- Job Openings
- Join a Team
- Join Our Ranks (Fire Rescue)
- Join Our Ranks (Police)
If you are interested in working for a progressive, professional, well-trained agency in a thriving suburban community, look no further.
As an agency we pride ourselves on being responsive to the needs of the community in order to provide the best service we possibly can. By utilizing a team policing model we strive to learn more about the community we serve, the concerns of our citizens, and work hard each and every day to be approachable, proactive, and professional. When we work in partnership with our community, they share information that helps us do our job better. That is why we have a Community Resource Officer, a strong social media presence, and regularly participate in events around De Pere.
- Joint Review Board
- Kayaking & Water Sports
- Kelly Danen Park
- Kickball League
- Kiwanis Park
- Land Division (CSM, Plats, and Condo Plats)
- Land for Sale Info & Map
- Landfill Alternatives
- Landfill Alternatives
- Large Item Curbside Collection
- Lawn Resources & Info
- Lawton Park
- Lead Poisoning
- Leading Employers
- Leaf & Brush Collection
- Legal Resources
- Legion Park
- License & Permits
- License Committee
- Licenses & Permits
- Licenses & Permits
- Licensing & Inspection (Health Department)
- Licensing
- Life Insurance
- Lifeguard Training Course
- Lions Trailside Park
- Liquor License
- Living in De Pere
- Local Business Financial Support & Assistance
- Locate in De Pere
- Locations
- Locktender House & De Pere Dam
- Long Term Disability (LTD)
- Look Up De Pere Upper Story Housing Activation Program
- Lot Purchase Program and Affordable Housing in Multifamily TIF Developments Program
- Maintenance Division
- Maps
- Maps
- Martial Arts
De Pere Parks, Recreation & Forestry offers a variety of martial arts classes for all ages and abilities. Whether you're interested in an ancient self-defense course like Tae Kwon Do, or a peaceful, relaxing offering Tai Chi; whether you're just now looking to begin your journey in martial arts, or want to continue to master the skills, concentration and discipline you've developed over the years - we've got fun, welcoming and affordable classes waiting for you and your entire family!
- Mayor & Common Council
The mayor servers a two-year term and is the presiding officer at meetings of the Common Council. The Common Council is comprised of 8 alderpersons and are elected on a non-partisan basis for two-year overlapping terms.
- Mayoral Lineage & History
- Media & Press Releases (Fire Rescue)
- Medical Insurance
- Medication Disposal
- Memorial Tree & Bench Program
- Mental Health
- Mental Health
- Mobile Food Truck License
- Monitor Water Usage (AquaHawk)
- Motor Oil Disposal
- Moving to De Pere
- Municipal Court
The De Pere Adult Court is held on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. and the Juvenile Court is help on the 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month at 4:30 p.m. David Matyas is the presiding judge and Eric Erdman is the Assistant City Attorney.
- Municipal Policies & Procedures
- Mural Project (Sister City)
Art and culture play an integral role in the communities of both De Pere and Åmål. Through the Sister City Program each city has been able to exchange, collaborate on and implement economic and social programs to better both respective communities. The Interlaced mural was created in order to visually represent this relationship.
- Music & Entertainment
- Need Mulch?
- Nelson Family Pavilion
- New Construction (Commercial)
- New Construction (Residential)
- News & Announcements
- Office & Building Hours
- Official City Map
- Older Adults & Seniors
- Online Bill Pay
- Open Government
- Optimist Park
- Other Forestry Resources & Information
- Other Resources
- Other Services
- Our Team Policing Structure & Goals
- Outdoor Park Shelters
- Overflow Garbage Tags & Pick-Up
- Park Playground Program
De Pere's Summer Park Program provides safe, supervised, structured and FUN activities for children 6-12 years old. Cost is $16 for the entire summer!
- Park Playground Program
De Pere's Summer Park Program provides safe, supervised, structured and FUN activities for children 6-12 years old. This is a drop in program where kids can come and go as they please and attend any park. Park Leaders help kids make memories to last a lifetime!
- Park Rentals (for Special/Large Events)
- Park Rules & Ordinances
- Park Shelter Policies
- Parking Map
- Parking Rules, Tickets & Info
- Parks & Rec Events
- Parks & Rec Events
- Parks Overview
- Parks, Recreation & Forestry
- Parks, Recreation & Forestry
The department has established a city-wide system of parks, open space and recreational facilities that will provide De Pere residents with recreation and leisure experience on a year-round basis.
- Parks
- Partnerships & Events (Fire Rescue)
- Passports
Looking to get a passport? We're here to help. Take a look at these frequently asked questions below, to help guide you through the process!
- Patriot Park
- Pay Water Bill
- Pedestrian Safety & Crosswalks
- Performance Management
- Permits & Fees (Building Inspection)
- Permits & Forms (Public Works)
- Permits & Licenses
- Permits, Forms & Licenses (Engineering)
- Photo Contest
- Pickleball League
- Pickleball/Tennis Courts
- Plan Commission
- Planned Natural Landscapes
- Planning & Zoning Division
- Planning Fee Schedule
- Planning Forms & Applications
- Plant a Tree
- Plastic Bags & Wraps Disposal
- Police & Fire Commission
- Police Contract
- Police
- Police
- Policies & Labor Contracts
- Policies & Labor Contracts
- Poll Workers
- Pool Concessions
- Pool Events, Discounts & Giveaways
- Pool Hours
- Pool Rates & Swim Passes
- Pool Rentals
- Pool Rentals
- Pool Rules
- Pools & Aquatics
- Pools & Aquatics
- Pools, Hot Tubs, & Ponds
- Preschool Programs
- Press Releases
- Proclamations & Commendations
- Project 23-02 Ridgeway and East River Drive Pavement Rehabilitation
- Projects in the City of De Pere
- Projects
- Protective Services (Police & Fire) Map
- Provider Reporting
- Public Information
- Public Meetings & Records
- Public Meetings
- Public Works Department
De Pere Public Works is dedicated to maintaining a high quality of life for our residents. From collecting garbage and recycling, hauling away leaves, plowing snow, overseeing street construction and cleanliness, monitoring water quality, maintaining City facilities and equipment, and so much more, we're a busy department striving to offer dedicated, convenient and innovative service to the City of De Pere. If you'd like to learn about the specific divisions within Public Works, click on the following options for: Engineering, Maintenance, Street and Water. Otherwise, learn more about our most popular services and items of interest from the options below.
- Public Works
The Public Works Department is comprised of the Divisions of Engineering, Mechanical, Street and Water.
- Quick Facts
- Railroad Complaints
- Rainbow Park
- Razing a Building
- Records Requests
- Recreation & Parks Map
- Recreation Brochures
- Recreation, Leagues & Activities
The De Pere Park, Recreation & Forestry Department offers a variety of recreational activities for youth, adults and senior citizens year-round. Recreation programs are mainly held at the De Pere Community Center, Municipal Service Center and at school facilities located in De Pere. Sports leagues/programs and aquatic classes are held at various parks and school facilities within the City of De Pere.
- Recreation, Leagues & Activities
The City of De Pere offers a variety of recreational activities for youth, adults and senior citizens year-round. Recreation programs are mainly held at the De Pere Community Center, Municipal Service Center and at school facilities located in De Pere. Sports leagues/programs and aquatic classes are held at various parks and school facilities within the City of De Pere. Explore our many options, and, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out! We're happy to help.
- Recreational Fires/Fire Pits
- Redevelopment Authority
- Register for Recreation Programs
- Related Pages
- Rent a Room
- Report It
- Request for Proposals (RFP)
- Residents (Engineering)
- Residents
- Respiratory Illnesses
- Retirement Planning
- Retirement Planning
- Rezoning
- Road Construction Projects
- Rock The Block by Habitat for Humanity Program
- Rotary Park
- Rubbish, Electronic & Metal Drop-Off Site
- Rubbish, Electronic & Metal Drop-Off Site
- Run for Office
- Rusk Park
- Samantha Park
- Sanitary Sewer Backups
- School Resource Officers
- Senior Picnic
- Service Line Info Customer Portal
- Services Index
- Sexual Health
- Shelters & Rentals
- Shelters & Rentals
- Short-Term Disability
- Short-Term Rentals
- Sidewalk Repair & Replacement
- Signs
- Sister Cities
The Sister Cities International program is designed to promote respect, understanding, and cooperation with others around the globe through personal contact.
- Sister City Partnership Background
De Pere, Wisconsin, and Åmål, Sweden, became sister cities in Nov. 8, 2007.
The partnership between De Pere and Åmål was forged through the organization Sisters Cities International, which was created by President Eisenhower in 1958. It is a non-profit citizen diplomacy network that creates and strengthens partnerships between communities in the US and the other countries through the establishment of Sister Cities.
In terms of De Pere's partnership with Åmål, here are some of the areas of focus each city has tried to work together to share ideas. Please click on each heading to explore the ways these goals have been pursued over the years.
Youth Programs
Economic Development/Tourism
Cultural Exchange
Other Activities in the future in which both communities agree to investigate in order to foster cooperation between the two cities.
- Site Plan Review
- Skating & Hockey Ice Rinks
- Sledding Hills
- Snow Plowing & Winter Sidewalks
- Snowman Contest
- Soccer Fields
- Social Connectedness
- Social Media Policy
- Softball League (fall)
- Softball League (Summer)
- Solicitor Permit
- Southwest Park
- Special Event Info & Permits
- Sportstacular
- Staff Directory
- Staff Directory
- Starting a New Business
- State of De Pere
- Status of city-sponsored events and programming
- Stay at Home Assistance & Fall Prevention Programs
- Stay Connected with De Pere Police
- Stay Connected
- Storm Water Management
- Stormwater Protection
- Street Sweeping & Cleaning
- Streets Division
- Submit Photo of the Day
- Subscribe to E-Newsletter
- Summer Carnival
- Sump Pumps
- Sustainability Commission
- Sustainability Committee
- Sustainable Engineering Practices
- Swimming & Aquatics
- Swimming Lessons
- Tax Incremental Financing (TIF)
- Taxes & Assessments
- Taxi Permit
- Technology Services
- Tenant / Renter Concerns
- Tennis
- The Riverwalk Experience
- This Week In De Pere
Top info and reminders for the week ahead in De Pere!
- TID Map
- Traffic / Vehicle Rules & Resources
- Traffic/Street Signs & Lights
- Trails
- Trails
- Transportation & Utilities
- Tree Insects & Disease
- Tree or Landscape Tips & Help
- Truck Route Info
- Truck Routes
- Tuberculosis
- Tumbling
- Upcoming Elections & Candidates
- Urban Orchards
- Utility Companies
- Utility Company (Engineering)
- Vaccinations
- Vaccinations
- Vaccines for Adults
- Vaccines for Kids
- VFW Park
- View & Update Account (Water)
- View Past E-Newsletters
- Virtual 5K Walk/Run
- Vision Insurance
- Visitor Information
- Volleyball Courts
- Voter Registration
- Voting Locations & Hours
- Voyageur Park (next to Riverwalk)
- Water Aerobics & Fitness
- Water Department Projects
- Water Division
- Water Meter Info & Guidelines
- Water Quality
- Weights & Measures
- Wellness
- Wells Park
- What is my Zoning?
- Who Are Your Alderpersons & Representatives?
- Wilcox Park
- Willems Park
- Wilson Park
- Winter Activities
- Winter Activities
- Winter Pipe Maintenance
- Workers Compensation
- Your top source for info and reminders!
- Youth Flag Football
De Pere's Youth Flag Football program is for boys and girls who are entering grades 1st - 8th for the upcoming school year. Our flag football program is designed to develop skills and foundational understanding of the game, while emphasizing participation and sportsmanship!
- Youth Programs (Sister City)
- Youth Programs
- Youth Rec Scholarships
This financial assistance program has been established to provide youth in the City of De Pere the opportunity to participate in recreation programs offered by the Park, Recreation & Forestry Department, regardless of their financial status. Through the generous support of local service organizations and community members, the City of De Pere is able to help people overcome financial barriers to participation in city recreation programs.
- Youth Sports
There's a wide variety of youth sports leagues in the City of De Pere. Through De Pere youth athletics, children of all ages and ability levels have opportunities to develop new skills and friendships; learn valuable lessons of teamwork, dedication and sportsmanship; compete in a positive, supportive environment; and ... most importantly, have fun!
- Zoning Map
- Zoning Verification Letter