The City of De Pere uses check-ins to provide a means for discussing, planning and reviewing the performance of each employee.  The check-in allows employees and supervisors to have open communication throughout the year.

Check-In Process Overview

Supervisors will conduct check-ins with employees three times during the year to review past and future performance.  Employees will sit down with their supervisor and discuss their accomplishments, areas to focus on over the upcoming months, and other possible topics.  Employees should think about their accomplishments and areas of focus before the meeting so the employee and supervisor are able to have a conversation around them and complete the form together.

Pay for Performance

The City of De Pere has a pay for performance incentive program to reward employees for exceptional work exceeding expectations. Employees may be eligible to receive a salary increase, bonus, or paid time off. 

Check-In Guide

The Performance Management Check-In Guide provides information about the check-in process and the outstanding performance award process.  There is a sample of the check-in form at the end of the guide.

Performance Management Check-In Guide


Halogen is the system that the City uses to conduct employee performance check-ins. You can log into your Halogen account at any time to view past check-ins.

Halogen - Online Performance Management System