For information on Land Divisions, Plats and CSMs in the City of De Pere, click on the shortcuts below. 

To apply for any of these reviews, please click here

Land Division - General Information

What is a land division?
A land division is the process of splitting a tract of land into smaller plots for purposes of development or sale. The process is meant to ensure that all impacts of development are considered, that proper urban services are available and the integrity of exclusive agricultural land is maintained and also to ensure the orderly development of the City.

How do I subdivide land?
The City’s Platting and Division of Land and Zoning Ordinance regulates the division of land in the City. The Plan Commission reviews land division applications with final approval of Certified Survey Maps (CSM) granted from the Plan Commission and preliminary and final approval of plats granted from the Common Council.

Public Improvements:
The Platting and Division of Land Ordinance specifies the required public improvements that are necessary for any development, including but not limited to streets, sanitary sewers and water mains, water supply, storm sewers and stormwater drainage facilities, sidewalks, street frontage for parkland, street trees. Where such improvements are required, a developer’s agreement, specifying the terms for such improvements, will be required to be signed by both the City and the Developer and then recorded. The City has the policy that only the City will design and contract the construction of the necessary infrastructure. It is important to plan for this accordingly by working with the Development Services Department and the Department of Public Works to plan for the subdivision growth a year prior to the anticipated construction.

Can public improvements be staged?
Where public improvements will not be completed within the first phase of a development, the subdivider shall prepare a staging plan, for approval by the Engineering Division, for any land division, subdivision or land development. The phasing plan shall clearly delineate in map, tabular and text form the following:

  1. The number of phases.
  2. Specific public improvements, lots, outlots or other land to be improved or affected by each phase.
  3. For each phase, requested start of construction (month and year) for work of public improvements
  4. A review of other land division improvements areas currently active within the city with a discussion of how this project will be phased, in relationship to the other projects and how it will meet the comprehensive plan.
  5. Portions of a land division or subdivision that are not scheduled for public improvement installation within two years shall be platted as outlots. The initial preliminary plat shall indicate all lots appropriate to intended uses and indicate what areas are to be an outlot(s) for staging. The final plan shall show outlot(s) for staging.
  6. Existing structures on outlots for future development shall be considered existing nonconforming.
  7. Parkland dedication and fees shall not be required for outlots created for staging purposes, but shall be required upon replat, zoning or development

Dedication of Open Space (Review with City standards)

The subdivider shall provide, and dedicate to the public, land compatible with the comprehensive plan for the development of the community, provided that such development shall not exceed in area that provided in subsection (b)(2)b of this section.

The amount of land to be provided and dedicated in R-1, R-2, R-3, and R-4 residential districts shall be 4.4 percent of the total nonpublic residential property developed. If dedicated land is set aside in the plat, it shall be done with the approval and in coordination with the city Plan Commission and the Park Board.

Payment in lieu of dedication

Where the Plan Commission determines that such dedication is not compatible with the comprehensive plan, the subdivider shall, in lieu thereof, pay to the city a fee as determined by the resolution of the Common Council. Such fees shall be used only for open space acquisition or the preparation of park and open space plans, including a master plan of development. Payment shall be made at the time the building permit is issued. No payment shall be required for a parcel on which a permanent residential structure exists prior to the date of the division. However, a residence that is intentionally razed and a new structure built of additional dwellings would come under the provisions of this chapter and be subject to the fees in accordance with subsection (b)(3)a of this section. Where the plat, certified survey or condominium does not specify the number of dwelling units to be constructed, the land dedication or payment in lieu of dedication shall be based upon the maximum number of dwelling units permitted by the city zoning code and this chapter.

What is the Land Division application fee?
See the fee schedule for all applicable fees.

Plat Process

What is a Subdivision Plat?

A Subdivision Plat is required when you want to divide a lot, parcel or tract of land to create five or more lots, parcels or building sites; or create five or more lots, parcels or building sites by successive divisions within a 5-year period.

How long does the platting process take?

The City has 90 days to act on a preliminary plat application and 60 days for a final plat application, unless the review time is extended with consent of the applicant. A Preliminary Plat may take 2-3 Plan Commission meetings and a Final Plat may take 1-2 meetings; the process takes some time to work through, depending on the complexity of the project, and the level of staff involvement.

What are the steps for plat approval?

  1. Pre-application meeting with staff: Meet with Planning/Zoning staff to discuss your proposal prior to submitting an application.
  2. Work with the Public Works Department to assure that the necessary information for the engineer division to prepare plan drawings.
  3. Submit a Land Division application: Submittal shall include the completed Land Division application form, application fee and the Preliminary Plat (see Land Division Ordinance for requirements).
  4. If applicable, submit a request and all required materials for city-funded infrastructure (link).
  5. Review Comment Period: Your application materials are sent to the various City Departments (Parks, Public Works, Fire, etc.) for review and comment. Staff then works with you to address any questions or comments that might arise prior to the Plan Commission meeting.
  6. You should also begin discussions with the Public Works Department on the Subdivision Improvement Agreement.
  7. Plan Commission Review and Recommendation: The Plan Commission reviews the application materials, public testimony, any staff concerns, and recommendation of the Planning/ Zoning staff. If the Commission recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat request, it may attach conditions to the request.
  8. Common Council Review and Action: The Council may choose to approve or deny the preliminary plat. If the Preliminary Plat is approved, you may move on to the final plat process. (Note: State Statute requires that the Council take action on the preliminary plat within 90 days of submittal unless the time is extended by agreement with the subdivider (applicant).)

Final Plat Submittal
Final Plat (Follows Preliminary Plat approval) – Final Plat must be submitted within 36 months of the approval of the Preliminary Plat, unless the Council extends the time for submission of the final plat.

1.Preliminary Plat Conditions: Applicant shall satisfy all required Preliminary Plat conditions prior to submitting for Final Plat approval.

  1. Pre-application meeting with staff (recommended): Meet with Planning/Zoning staff to discuss your proposal prior to submitting an application.
  2. Work with the Public Works Department to assure that the necessary engineering plan information are submitted with the application.
  3. Submit a Land Division application: Submittal shall include the completed Land Division application form, application fee and the Final Plat (see Land Division Ordinance for requirements).
  4. Review Comment Period: Your application materials are sent to the various City Departments (Parks, Public Works, Fire, etc.) for review and comment. Staff then works with you to address any questions or comments that might arise prior to the Plan Commission meeting.
  5. Plan Commission Review and Recommendation: The Plan Commission reviews the application materials, public testimony, any staff concerns and recommendation of the Planning/ Zoning staff. If the Commission recommends approval of the Final Plat request, it may attach conditions to the request.
  6. Common Council Review and Action: The Council may choose to approve or deny the resolution. If the Final Plat is approved you can begin finalizing the development agreement and satisfying any conditions. (Note: State Statute requires that the Council take action on the final plat within 60 days of submittal, unless the time is extended by agreement with the subdivider (applicant).)
  7. Development Contract: Finalize any necessary and related infrastructure agreements with the Public Works Department and/or the Board of Public Works.
  8. Park Requirements: Applicant shall pay all park fees and requirements prior to the City signing the final plat.
  9. Signature, Recording & Copies – After the Final Plat has been approved by the Wisconsin Department of Administration, the plat will then need to be signed by necessary parties and recorded at the Brown County Register of Deeds. State Statute requires that the final plat shall be recorded within 30 days of approval. After recording the final plat, a digital copy, shall be submitted to the City.

What are the Plat Review fees?
See the fee schedule for all applicable fees.

CSM Process

What is a Certified Survey Map (CSM)?

A Certified Survey Map is used to divide land into four or less parcels (within a 5-year period). The subdivider (applicant) is responsible for hiring a Registered Land Surveyor to prepare the CSM.

What are the steps for CSM approval?

  1. Pre-application meeting with staff: Meet with Planning/Zoning staff to discuss your proposal prior to submitting an application.
  2. Submit a Land Division application: Submittal shall include the completed Land Division application form, application fee and the Certified Survey Map (see Ordinance)
  3. Review Comment Period: Your application materials are sent to the various City Departments (Parks, Public Works, Fire, etc.) for review and comment. Staff then works with you to address any questions or comments that might arise prior to the Plan Commission meeting.
  4. Plan Commission Review and Recommendation: The Plan Commission reviews the application materials, public testimony, any staff concerns and approves, denies, or tables the request.
  5. (City-Owned Parcels) If Common Council Action: The Council may choose to approve or deny the CSM. If the Certified Survey Map is approved, you may proceed by obtaining other required approvals.
  6. Park Requirements: Applicant shall pay all park fees and requirements prior to the City.
  7. Signatures & Recording: Following Council approval of the CSM and satisfying all required conditions, you can then obtain the City’s signature on the CSM and have the CSM recorded at the Brown County Register of Deeds.

If a rezoning or other specific approval is required, refer to that process by clicking here.  A rezoning may occur at the same meetings as the CSM.

What is the CSM application fee?
See the fee schedule for all applicable fees.