Storm Water Management

Storm Water Ordinance Creation 05-33
Ordinance 09-04 Storm Water Management and Reference Guide 09-04
Ordinance 09-05 Creation Construction Site Erosion Control 09-05
Ordinance 09-06 Illicit Discharge and Procedure Manual 09-06
Ordinance Chapter 26 Storm Drainage Requirements Chapter 26
Storm Water Ordinance Chapter 27
Ordinance Chapter 28 Storm Water Management (Post Construction) Chapter 28
Ordinance Chapter 29 Illicit Discharge & Connection to Storm Sewer System Chapter 29
Ordinance Chapter 42  Construction Site Erosion Control Chapter 42
Illicit Discharge Procedure Manual Manual
Erosion Control Erosion Control
NEWSC (northeast Wisconsin Storm Water Consortium) Storm Water Reference Guide NEWSC

What can property owners do to protect our storm water?

Homeowners and residents can actively participate in keeping our waters clean by reducing or eliminating the use of fertilizers on lawns, keeping grass clippings and leaves out of the streets, using salt wisely in winter months, cleaning out stormwater grates (consider joining the City's Adopt-a-Drain Program), picking up after pets, and investing in rain barrels, among others. Get your kids involved too!