When can I place large items out at the curb for free curbside collection?

The City of De Pere collects large items twice a year. This collection will not correspond with your collection day and items must be at the curb by 6:30 am on the Monday of designated collection times to ensure collection. 

In 2025, the collection dates are as follows:

  • June 9, 2025
  • September 8, 2025

What can I place at the curb for collection?

Many items will be picked up during this collection. Please review the table below for a general idea of what can and cannot be set out for collection. If you have something that is not listed, feel free to call our office for clarification at 920-339-4060.


Non-Freon Appliances


Lawn chair

Snow blowers (remove fluids)
Artificial trees Entertainment Center Lawn mower (remove fluids) Styrofoam (large)
Bathtub Exercise Equipment Lawn/holiday display items Swing set (metal only)
Birdbath Flooring Mattress/box spring Tables
Bookcase (freestanding) Furniture Metal Toilets
Cabinets Grill (remove tanks/charcoal) Patio furniture Water heater
Carpet/pad Hot tub/covers Rain gutters/ downspouts Water softener
Ceiling tiles Insulation Rugs Wheelbarrow
Countertops Ironing board Showers Window
Ladders Sinks


Bagged household garbage Construction debris Junk wood/lumber Sod/dirt
Brush Electronics (including microwaves) Remodeling debris Tires
Cardboard Freon appliances Roofing materials Yardwaste
Concrete Household recycling Siding Waste Motor Oil

When will my items be picked up during the week? 

Crews will do ONE sweep of the entire City throughout our collection week, going down each street only once.  While your items will be picked up at some point during this duration, the timeframe crews will reach your particular street throughout the week is unknown based on numerous variables, like weather, the volume of garbage in particular areas that may require more or less time to finish, and staff availability to conduct regular department tasks and operations (garbage pick-up, etc.). Simply put, it is essential to have your items to the curb by 6:30 am on Monday in order to ensure collection because crews will get to your items at an unknown time during the week of collection, based on numerous surrounding factors. 

I missed the curbside collection time or would like to dispose of large items myself at a different time. What can I do with my items?

If you missed the scheduled curbside collections or you're seeking to dispose of large items yourself during different timeframes, items can be brought to the City of De Pere Drop-off Site during its open months of operation. More information about that location can be found here. Residents can call the office at (920) 339-4060 to schedule a special pickup (for a fee).