Optimist Park
About This Location
Optimist Park is located on the corner of Cook Street and South Erie Street. This site serves a predominantly residential area and provides several ball fields and other emendates and facilities.
11.72 acres
Classification Type
Community Park
Rental Information
For information related to renting eligible parks, shelters, athletic fields/courts and more, please visit our rental resource and information site.
Park Rules
Please be sure to view and adhere to all posted park rules found on-site and/or presented here online. For general park rules, please click here.
- Shelter (Outdoor Pavilion)
- Concession Stand
- Playground Area
- Ball Diamond(s) - (Baseball and/or Softball)
- Basketball Court(s)
- Restrooms
- Batting Cages
Contact Information
If you have any questions regarding this property, please contact:
925 S Sixth St
De Pere, WI 54115 Phone: 920-339-8362
Fax: 920-339-4071
Assistant: 920-339-4072 x2201
Contact the City
- Phone: (920) 339-4050
- Fax:
(920) 330-9491 - Staff Directory