Parking information in the City of De Pere

Please adhere to all parking restrictions and policies in the City of De Pere. Here are some helpful resources to keep you informed of the options and responsibilities you have related to your parked vehicle.

General Parking Regulations

For a comprehensive look at the parking regulations within our municipal code, please visit this link and search "Parking."

Parking maps

For maps of available parking in our downtown and/or residential areas, click here.

Report issues with a parked vehicle

If you have an issue with a parked vehicle, please use the City of De Pere's online "Report It" feature (click here). We will receive this notice and look into the issue.  

Pay or Contest a Parking Ticket:

Pay your parking ticket

To pay your parking ticket, please click this link. 

Contest a parking ticket

Please fill out our Parking Ticket Contest Form (click here)to contest a parking ticket that was issued to you. 

Lock your keys in your car?

The De Pere Police Department will perform lock out services only when a small child has accidentally been locked inside a vehicle. All other vehicle lock out requests will be referred to a locksmith for service.